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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Results - South Burlington, Vermont

While finding the best South Burlington, Vermont Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery dentist can be a challenge, as each patient has different needs, technology has made it a bit easier. Dentists are as varied as dental needs but we all want an experienced, caring, yet affordable dentist.

Below we have listed a list of the best South Burlington, Vermont Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery dentists, hoping to help you keep up with your dental care. Click on any listing to see their qualifications, address, coupons, reviews and other details.

Paul Albert Danielson DMD

Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

South Burlington, Vermont, 05403, United States
Show Phone Number

Dr. Siobhan Marie Stephen DMD MD

Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

South Burlington, Vermont, 05403, United States
Show Phone Number

Dr. Theodore Librizzi DDS

Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

South Burlington, Vermont, 05403, United States
Show Phone Number

Dr. Thomas William Connolly DMD

Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

South Burlington, Vermont, 05403, United States
Show Phone Number

Tips and tricks

A few things to consider before choosing a South Burlington, Vermont Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery dentist:

1. Make sure that the dentist you find is qualified and has the right credentials.

2. Check to see if the South Burlington, Vermont Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery dentist accepts your type of insurance so there are no unpleasant billing surprises later.

3. Find the right dentist for the type of care you need: While many South Burlington, Vermont general dentists also do cosmetic work such as veneers, whitening or root canals and crowns, maybe you want a dentist that specializes more in cosmetic work, an endodontist or an oral surgeon. However, many South Burlington, Vermont dental clinics have specialists that offer all the services under one roof and that is best as you don't have to deal with appointments and bills from many different offices.

4. Find a dentist that caters to your specific needs. For example, while all will do preventive and restorative work, not all offer emergency services. So if you have a dental emergency, specifically look for a South Burlington, Vermont emergency dentist that can see you right away.

5. Finally: Check the online reviews for the dentist or dental center. There's nothing like honest reviews from fellow patients. Good luck!